Wednesday 1 January 2020

Western Americas Confederation' WAC

Western Americas Confederation' WAC in collatics with (Bureaucracy For Confederational States) and or, English Royals; also known as the English Monarchy, with or, Empire finally came to a neutral compromise seeing Americas' cresting Peer-2-Peer BIOCREST-BCS a great success !!

The Duke for Western Americas Confederation' WAC assured the English Royals' ER a total quid quo brexits array, BIOCREST (BCS) wavelength spectrums.

Western Americas Confederation' WAC Independence date awaits English Royals' ER amagamations! As the New Authonomy Merriment Palace is yet to be sited within Washington' DC of the United States !

Anticipatedly, the Supreme Queen's 1st and or, Queen of America of the English Royals' ER is focused on eradications of poverty, from the United States of America also known as; Western Americas Confederation' WAC! By envisioning a three square meal merchant centres for average Americans.

Both the English Royals' ER and Western Americas Confederation' WAS had signed a Autocratic Union' Act (AUA) for, census count within the Western Americas Confederation' WAC also referred to as democratic, United States of America.

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