Saturday 28 March 2020

Bureaucracy Kingdom' Monetary Funds

Bureaucracy Kingdom (BK) Monetary Funds had recently released check for America, Canada & Chessland citizens; for unemployment gratitude amids Pandemic Flu: As King Winchester the 1st enacts autonomous Act !!

Bureaucracy Kingdom' Monetary Funds is currently mining her BIOCREST (BCS) Currency using the McBrockers mining tech. As Biocrest-BCS is currently trading 0.0767USD per a BIOCREST (BCS).

Federal Republic For Chessland

Western Thesaurus States' WTS and or,  English Royals' ER also known as the English Monarchy, are currently, in talks seeing merchant circulations of the premium biocrest-bcs creating units over, all counties of the England Federal Republic.

Government Bureaucracy For Confederational States; had recently issued lincence to Western Thesaurus States' WTS (Confederal Bank) of decentralized circulations of the BIOCREST (BCS) cryptodigital currency !

McBrockers Decentralized Exchange

Merry Seasons Greetings !!

Revolutional BIOCREST-BCS is currently brocking; at a 0.0888USD crypto 1BCS. Americas are mostly, cresting 85% coverage of the premium BIOCREST' BCS ecosystem since June, 2019.

BIOCREST-BCS is the first Americas' decentralize Peer-2-Peer (P2P) reserve standard McBrockers crypto currency, exchange wallets! Invest today, in the world most revolving (BIOCREST-BCS) crypto currency, and see you investments grow beyond measures !

McBrockers Peer-2-Peer Cryptos

McBrockers crypto currency exchange wallets; for BIOCREST-BCS enacts a Peer-2-Peer decentralize crypto currency, payments transfers for online merchants third party transactions.

Standard Wallets crypto currency, exchange is Americans first ecclesiastical cryptodigital currency wallets. McBrockers crypto currency exchange wallets; executes BIOCREST-BCS crypto currency transfers !

Autonomous Enactments Palace

Yesterday supreme Queen Winchester the 1st for the Bureaucracy Kingdom' BK enacts most referendum of the United States of America, Federal Republic of Canada & Federal Republic For Chessland jurisprudence of the Americas Monarchy a.k.a the Americas Empire.

King Winchester the 1st  of the Bureaucracy Kingdom' BK commemorated Americans, Canadians and most specially

Fifa Ends Reason With Club Leagues

The FA has announced results for the 2019/20 season will be expunged for non-League divisions below the National League and National Leagues North and South.

The same applies to women's football below the Women's Super League and Championship, with no promotion and relegation, while grassroots football has been brought to

Premium McBrockers Exchange Wallets

Creating BIOCREST (BCS) crypto currency, McBrockers exchange wallets; is currently exchanging 0.0767USD crypto 1BCS !

Standard Wallets also is trading 3MRC (MERICAS) ratio BIOCREST-BCS and investors are mostly welcome to Americas first decentralize Peer-2-Peer McBrockers' crypto currency exchange wallets.

Users from all ratifications of McBrockers networks are mostly, expected to experience

America White House' BK

Bureaucracy For Confederational States enacts an autonomous; autocracy for English Royals' ER confederate states, for premium circulations of the ecclesiastical Americas BIOCREST-BCS cresting units.

Bureaucracy For Confederational States just launch a monetary, fund commetee in monitorizations of English Royals' ER decentralized Peer-2-Peer currencies !

Bureaucracy Kingdom' BK

Bureaucracy Kingdom' BK also known as the Kingdom Kingdom of the Americas' empire with or, monarchy is now reserving democratic national currencies through cryping her premium BIOCREST (BCS) with the McBrockers networks from around the globe or, universe.

Bureaucracy Kingdom' BK is Americas pride and prejudice towards making the world great again! Bureaucracy Kingdom' BK is for the Americas Empire a.k.a Americas Monarchy !

Friday 27 March 2020

Bureaucracy Kingdom' Parliament

During the just concluded Americas Presidency Press' Conference at the White House. President Donald Trump, announced a public record review seeing America econonomy,  and freedom for all American cititizens.

President Donald Trump through his remarks; guaranteed Americans of a secured international world brexits with European nations such as England and or,  Germany !

America Presidency Collatics' BK

United States of America and with or,  the Republic of China; came to a mutual trade compromise with accrued autonomous trade tarrif from the U.S. Presidency.

President Donald Trump commemorated China for a bilateral Paris Treaty! China President also enacts President Donald Trump for upholding world unity !

America Press Conference' APC

President Donald Trump got endorse by, great Americans and Republicans are profoundly, proud having President Donald Trump as America' 45th federal government President !

Both California and with or, Texas cities are now,  benefiting from President Donald Trump leaverage liftings! President Donald Trump assures Americans of making America great again as the GE2020 elections clocks around the Pentagon windows.