Friday 6 December 2019

Crypto Currency Blockchains

Americas premium crypto currency McBrockers exchange; wallets for BIOCREST-BCS is gradually, anticipating its universal ecosystem and creative potential investors are now, taking positions from over most continental countries with or, nations !

McBrockers merchant centres are exchanging the BCS units at a wallet breaking percentage ratio crypto the United States Dollar.

Revolutional BIOCREST-BCS is Americas decentralize; Peer-2-Peer crypto currency! McBrockers exchange wallets enacts a residual income ratifications; for McBrockers investors. McBrockers cyptodigital currency exchange is a Blockchain Technology, focus in mining of her BIOCREST-BCS


1.) Country with or National Reps
100'000BCS Blockchain Crypto 5,000.00USD

2.) States and or City Reps
50'000BCS Blockchain Crypto 2,500.00USD

3.) Provincial Municipal District Reps
35'000BCS Blockchain Crypto 1,500.00USD

4.) Provincial Council District Reps
25'000BCS Blockchain Crypto 1,000.00USD

5.) Provincial Local Residential Reps
10'000BCS Blockchain Crypto 500.00USD

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