Sunday 10 November 2019

Americas Press' Conference

President Donald Trump yesterday, signed the Autocratic Act for Union (AAU) I adoption of the Mericas' MRC with the revolutional English Royals' ER also known as the Americas English' Royals !!
Both New Royal Queen' 1st and New Supreme Queen's 1st commemorated Americas 45' president array, successful Collatics quid quo pro brexit; at the New Autonomy Jubilee' Palace of the English Royals' ER

President Donald Trump with reference; to Apollo 11 made a remark to making America' great again! As English Americas' are greatly proud of having a profound captain with or, leader as President Donald Trump.

Western Americas' Confederation and the United States For America; are currently in brexit launch for the premier MERICAS' MRC before the upcoming Americas' presidency electorial (November, 3rd 2020) elections !

Vote: Donald Trump
For Americas' 2020

Powered By: English Royals' Monarch.

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